IEC62368 推力试验圆片(又名推力法兰)是广东安规检测有限公司根据标准IEC62368第8.10.3节、附录T.4、T.5、IEC60950第9.1.7节设计制造而成的。
T.4 Steady force test, 100 N
The test is conducted by subjecting the external enclosure to a steady force of 100 N ± 10 N
over a circular plane surface 30 mm in diameter for a short time duration of approximately 5 s,
applied in turn to the top, bottom, and sides.
T.5 Steady force test, 250 N
The test is conducted by subjecting the external enclosures to a steady force of 250 N ± 10 N
over a circular plane surface 30 mm in diameter for a short time period of approximately 5 s,
applied in turn to the top, bottom and sides.