澳规插销推拉试验装置是根据标准AS/NZS 3112第2.13.9.1节设计制造而成。
标准要求: Movement of pins
Plugs shall be tested for pin movement by clamping the pin or pins not under test in a rigid holding block positioned 5±0.5 mm from the plug face and applying a force of 19±1N to the pin under test. The design of the bock shall be such that the pin under test shall not come into contact with the block during the test.
Except for non-rewireable plugs, the test shall be carried out without a cord attached to the plug, and wiht the terminal screws loosened sufficiently to allow a 1mm2 conductor to be connected.
The plug and test equipment shall be preconditoned at a temperature of 40±1℃ for 1h, without the test force applied. Throughout the test, all parts of the plug and test equipment shall be maintained at this temperature.
For all plugs, the point of application of the force shall be 14±0.5 mm from the face of the plug along the pins, and the direction of the force shall be -
(a) in toth direction along the line perpendicular to the plane of the pin, and passing through the centre of the pin; and
(b) in that plane in both direcions along a line at right angles to that specified in Item (a).
Over a period of 10s, the force shall be gradually applied to each of the pins in the manner prescribed in Itens (a) and (b), maintained at its maximum value for 10s, and then released. The deflection of the pins shall be measured along the line of force relative to the face of the rigid hlding bolck during the period when the force is applied. The maximum deflections shall not exceed 2.0mm.
Following the test on all pins of a plug conforming to Figure 2.1, any distortion 5min after the completion of the test on the last pin shall be such that it will not prevent the plug from being inserted int the appropriate standard gauges shown in Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix F without the application of undue force.
For other types of plugs, any distortion after 5min shall be such that will not prevent the plug being inserted into an appropriate socket-outlet without the application of undue force.