澳规插销牢固度试验装置是根据标准AS/NZS 3112第2.13.9.2节要求设计制作而成。
标准要求: Fixing of pins
A seprate sample of a plug shall be heated to a temperature of 50±2℃ for 1h and maintained at that temperature during the whole of these tests, including the 5 min period after removal of the test load.
The plug shall be held firmly in such a manner that there wil be no undue squeezing or distortion of the body, and the means of holding shall not assist in maintaining the pins in their original position.
Each pin, inturn, shall have applied to it a force which, over a period of 10s, shall be increased steadily to 60±0.6N and held at this value for 10min.
Two tests on each pin shall be conducted, one with the direction of force along the length of the pin towards the body of the plug, and the other with the direction of force along the length of the pin away from the body.
The attachment of pins shall be considered inadequate if any pin is displaced relative to the adjacent material of the body by more than 2.4 mm at any time during these tests, or if any pin fails to return to within 0.8 mm of its nominal length specified in figure 2.1 within 5min of the removal of the test force.
1、配备60±0.6N 推力及拉力砝码